This Street Meet was contributed by LW Lee from New Orleans
Spotted: at Lakeview Grocery in New Orleans, Louisiana
Occupation: Full-time mom
What's in your grocery cart?
Cake mix and icing.
What kind of cake are you making?
A rainbow cake for my daughter. It's her birthday. Six layers, all different colors.
How long have you lived in New Orleans?
About 14 years, off and on. We moved away and then came back. We're originally from Missouri.
How many kids in the family?
Five. And their birthdays are all about the same day. The youngest is three, then six, eight, nine and the oldest is 11. That's it! No more kids!
How much will you be spending on back-to-school stuff?
About $1500.
What fun things do you do for yourself?
Well, nothing! There just isn't enough time. Fun time is family time.
Where did you get your shirt?
From Stitch Fix. They send you five things and you buy what you want, then send the rest back. The purse is from Walmart.
What have you been up to this summer?
A lot of swimming. And we went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We went to Great Smoky Mountains National Park, did small hikes.
What's your life philosophy?
Hmm . . . Life is short. Soak it up!!